Family Law Cases Don’t Have Winners and Losers

In a previous post, we discussed the ways that battles between spouses played out over social media can cause lasting damage during a divorce. These sorts of public battles are a symptom of a very dangerous mindset to have during any family law case—that one side wins, one side loses, and you must come out on top. Viewing your divorce or dispute over custody in this way will only prolong the process and make it more painful for all involved. Instead, find an attorney who will help you find a solution that can promote everyone’s best interests by working collaboratively with your former partner whenever possible.
Stoking hostility won’t promote healing
When you’re in the midst of a divorce you may not have wanted, it can feel as though your ex is the villain who must be thwarted. Keep in mind that the end of a marriage is a loss for all involved. If you have found yourself viewing your case through the lens of “winning” and “losing,” you may want to reconsider your outlook. This perspective will only fuel your own hostility, making it more difficult to move on from a split and create a new life.
If you’re a parent, this mindset will also make your children feel like little more than objects being bickered over by you and your ex. Children may feel as though they’re betraying one parent by living or spending time with the other. Your children deserve to feel that your primary wish is for their well-being, and that you support their relationship with their other parent wholeheartedly.
Focus on finding a compromise that works
Rather than looking for ways to prolong your fight, focus on forging workable solutions. An experienced Texas family law attorney can offer suggested compromises for custodial solutions and fair divisions of property, gleaned from years of working with families like yours. Your spouse may still try to keep up the fight, but remember that there’s only one person’s behavior you can control: your own. By modeling a cooperative mindset and seeking an outcome that creates the best result for everyone from a bad situation, you may encourage your ex to follow suit.
If you’re seeking compassionate, effective, and collaborative legal help with your Texas divorce or custody dispute, contact a Houston family lawyer at the Law Offices of Maria Lowry for a consultation, at 713-850-8859.