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Switching Your Child’s School after a Divorce

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Divorce can be tough on you as a parent, but it can be even tougher on the children you share with a former spouse. Children thrive on consistency and routine, and divorce brings countless changes to the life of a child that throw a wrench into the regular routines on which children come to rely. One major change that occurs in the lives of many children of divorce is a switch to a new school as the result of one or both of their parents moving to a new home post-split. Read on for information on how a change in schools could affect your case and your child after a divorce, and contact a compassionate Houston family law attorney for more assistance.

Courts may consider a change in schools when awarding custody

Texas courts make custody determinations based on the best interests of the child or children involved. A child often gets the lion’s share of their social time at school and may have educational needs that are uniquely met by their current school. Family court judges will often try to avoid moving a child from their current school if possible and may award residential custody according to which parent will remain close to the child’s current school.

Giving your child a chance to feel heard is important

Many of the changes that occur in a child’s life during a divorce are entirely outside of their control, and a change in schools may have to be one of these upsetting changes. This lack of control over the major changes that are happening in their lives can make kids feel powerless and even angry. While you may not be able to change the fact that your child needs to attend a new school, you can make sure that your child knows that their opinion and comfort is important to you, and that they should be comfortable expressing their feelings about the change to you. As much as possible, let them have input into decisions being made during this time that affect them to prevent your child from feeling entirely powerless.

Arrange for your children to spend time with old friends

Time with friends can be critical in helping your children get through the divorce process. While your child is still settling into a new school, they may not make new friends right away. Provide them with the socializing time they need by scheduling playdates with your children’s friends from their old school, even if it means a long drive on the weekends. This time with familiar faces will mean a great deal to your children during a time of change.

If you’re facing divorce in Texas, get legal help through the process by contacting the compassionate, dedicated, and effective Houston child support lawyer Maria Lowry for a consultation at 713-850-8859.

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